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About us

Kokoro Katana was born in the heart of Toronto, where a few childhood friends decided to create something special from a life-long passion of anime. Our tale is one of shared enthusiasm, and a commitment to the joy of collectibles.



At Kokoro Katana, we breathe life into your anime passion. Our journey was first sparked by the thrills of Hunter x Hunter, the boundless horizons of One Piece, and the titanic clashes of Attack on Titan. These inspirations infuse every mini katana keychain we create, allowing you to carry a piece of your treasured anime wherever you go.

The heartbeat of Kokoro Katana resonates with its name – "Kokoro", the Japanese word for "heart". It embodies our unwavering commitment to each creation. When you hold a Kokoro Katana keychain, you're holding more than an accessory; you're holding a piece of our heart.

But we're more than just keychains. We're a community of passionate anime and manga lovers, artists, and cosplayers, drawn together by our shared love for anime. From the bustling halls of Comic Con to the exhilarating atmosphere of Anime North and the camaraderie of Fan Expo, you'll catch us celebrating together.

Though our home is Toronto, our mission at Kokoro Katana is to spread the joy of anime worldwide. Whether you're in the heart of Canada or on distant shores, you're a part of the Kokoro community.

So here's to the dreamers, the fidgeters, the devoted anime lovers. Here's to the connections we forge, the creativity we ignite, and the joy of carrying a piece of your favorite series with you.

Welcome to Kokoro Katana - we hope you join us in this journey.

With love,